New Jersey Policy Perspective produces independent research and analysis on policy solutions to advance social, economic, and racial justice. From data-driven reports to policy briefs and explainers, we work to provide lawmakers, legislative staff, advocates, community leaders, and reporters with the facts and figures behind the most pressing policy issues facing the Garden State.

In Every County, Very Few New Jerseyans Owe Estate Tax

In 20 of 21 New Jersey counties, fewer than 400 estates are large enough to owe the New Jersey estate tax in any given year.

Latest BEIP Proposal is Proof New Jersey’s Surge in Corporate Tax Subsidies is Unaffordable

If policymakers want to offer such lucrative tax breaks to corporations, they should make the hard choices and find the money to pay for them – not merely push the costs off to future policymakers.

No, New Jersey’s Poorest Aren’t Offered a ‘Very Large’ Package of Benefits

The Department of Human Services Commissioner says families in WorkFirst NJ are offered a ”very large” package of benefits from other programs. But that's just not the case.

A $15 Minimum Wage is Good Policy for New Jersey’s Working People & its Economy

The fact that full-time work isn’t enough to lift a New Jerseyan out of poverty should be enough to convince everyone to raise the minimum wage.

Corporate Subsidies Keep Flowing as New Estimates Confirm They’re Creating a Growing Long-Term Budget Hole

This surge in subsidies is creating a long-term and growing economic drag that policymakers will have to grapple with for at least the next 15 years as the backlog of tax credits is paid out.

New National Report Underscores Why New Jersey Needs to Preserve its Estate Tax

Policymakers who are concerned about record levels of inequality and making sound investments that benefit all New Jerseyans should take this report to heart, and preserve the estate tax.

Increasing the EITC to 40 Percent Would Boost Working Families & Create True ‘Tax Fairness’

If you want tax fairness, the EITC is the most efficient and effective way to help fix a tax structure that is out of balance.

Raising the Minimum Wage Would Be a Great Mother’s Day Gift

Stagnant wages have combined with rising costs for housing and other necessities to force more mothers into low-wage work simply to make sure their families have food on the table, a roof over their heads and clothes on their backs.

Earned Sick Leave for All Would Help New Jersey’s Workers & Boost its Economy

Earned sick days don’t only benefit working people; they help employers too. By investing in their workers, business owners reap the benefits of a more productive workforce and with lower employee turnover that is both expensive and disruptive.

Tax Breaks or Bust: New Jersey’s Misguided Approach to Economic Development in Camden

There are no guarantees that this strategy will actually work to significantly boost Camden's economy or help its residents.

Price Hikes Weren’t on the Menu After Seattle Passed $15 Minimum Wage Law

A newly released study by the University of Washington’s Evans School of Public Policy and Governance found “little or no evidence of price increases in Seattle relative to the surrounding area.”

Reality Check: David Tepper’s Move Will Hardly ‘Destroy’ New Jersey’s Budget

The modest but important impact that Tepper’s move will have on New Jersey’s budget is being used by opponents of a common sense tax structure as an example of why the state should move away from taxes being based largely on the ability to pay.

Join Us: Immigration Policy Briefing, April 25 in Trenton

Denying drivers' licenses to undocumented residents makes everyone less safe. Other states have faced the facts on this issue, while New Jersey lags behind. We invite you to join our own experts and a panel of distinguished guests for a special briefing on on this road safety and social justice issue - and the prospects for progress in New Jersey. 

Raising New Jersey’s Minimum Wage to $15 an Hour Would Boost a Large and Diverse Group of Working Men and Women

Increasing New Jersey’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2021 would directly boost the pay of about 1 in 4 Garden State workers, or 975,000 men and women.

NJPP’s Brandon McKoy Discusses the Need to Boost the EITC

Increasing New Jersey’s Earned Income Tax Credit could boost the incomes of nearly 600,000 working families in the state who aren’t paid enough to get by.

Closing Digital Divide Could Promote Economic Opportunity in New Jersey

Nearly 300,000 New Jerseyans are estimated to lack access to broadband service, particularly in rural parts of the state, hampering their ability to fully participate in the state’s economy.

NJPP’s Ray Castro Lands On ‘Power 50’ Health Care List

Congratulations to New Jersey Policy Perspective's senior policy analyst Ray Castro, who landed on this year's "Power 50 Health Care" list compiled by NJ Biz

New Jersey Has Lost its Wealthiest Resident But That Doesn’t Change the Facts About Wealth and Taxes

While New Jersey may lose some wealthy residents in any given year, such as Mr. Tepper, the so-called “exodus” of wealth is a manufactured crisis.

Reject Estate Tax Repeal & Boost Assistance for Poor Families

A tax cut that benefits just the wealthy few is glaringly out of step with budget priorities of New Jersey, will make it harder to restore earlier funding cuts and will make it nearly impossible to do much to tackle some of the state’s other big problems, like growing poverty.

Increasing New Jersey’s EITC to 40 Percent Would Make Tax Structure More Equitable

If policymakers increase the EITC to 40 percent, New Jersey's poorest households would still pay the largest share of their incomes towards taxes, but not by nearly as much.

Major Concerns Remain About Casino Expansion Push

A key Assembly committee held a public hearing yesterday on the proposal to expand casino gambling in New Jersey, and as NJTV News reports, critics like NJPP president Gordon MacInnes were on hand to raise concerns about the plan - including the potential damage two new casinos could inflict on South Jersey's economy.

Want ‘Tax Fairness’? Boost the Earned Income Tax Credit

Unlike some of the other high-profile tax proposals being discussed right now by the legislature, boosting the EITC truly represents “tax fairness.”

Increasing TANF Assistance to New Jersey Families is Long Overdue

The TANF cash benefit, which is $424 a month for a family of three, has not been increased in 29 years. Ronald Reagan was still president, and the Bangles’ “Walk Like an Egyptian” was the top hit of the day.

Repealing TANF’s ‘Family Cap’ Makes Moral and Economic Sense

Recent national research has shown that these caps do not affect parental choices as intended but instead penalize the babies, who are denied cash assistance, and the families, which are driven deeper into poverty.

More Riders, Less Investment: A Blueprint for Failure on Public Transit in New Jersey

Despite transit’s clear benefit to New Jersey, the state has systematically shirked its responsibility to invest the dollars necessary to create a world-class public transit system that is reliable and affordable.
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