New Jersey Policy Perspective produces independent research and analysis on policy solutions to advance social, economic, and racial justice. From data-driven reports to policy briefs and explainers, we work to provide lawmakers, legislative staff, advocates, community leaders, and reporters with the facts and figures behind the most pressing policy issues facing the Garden State.

Arbitrary Time Limits on Emergency Assistance Prevent New Jerseyans From Receiving Supports They Need

Testimony from NJPP Senior Policy Analyst Dr. Brittany Holom-Trundy in support of extending the time limit for Emergency Asistance.

Fines and Fees Disproportionately Harm Low-Income Families

Testimony from NJPP Senior Policy Analyst Marleina Ubel in opposition of imposing a fine for underage drinking.

New Jersey’s Lowest Income Families Could Lose Their Emergency Assistance

Emergency Assistance provides direct support to protect residents from the harmful effects of poverty and homelessness.

Civilian Complaint Review Boards Foster Transparency, Fairness, and Safety in Policing Practices

Testimony from NJPP Senior Policy Analyst Marleina Ubel in support of establishing Civilian Complaint Review Boards (CCRBs).

Civilian Complaint Review Boards (CCRBs) Foster Transparency, Fairness, and Safety in Policing Practices

Testimony from NJPP Senior Policy Analyst Marleina Ubel in support of implementing Civilian Complaint Review Boards (CCRBs).

Family Leave Expansion Would Advance Equity and Eliminate Fear of Retaliation for All of New Jersey’s Workers

Testimony from NJPP Senior Policy Analyst Peter Chen in support of lowering the work requirement for Family Leave to 90 days.

Extending Emergency Assistance Would Help New Jersey Residents Avoid Hunger and Homelessness

Testimony from NJPP Senior Policy Analyst Dr. Brittany Holom-Trundy in support of extending the eligibility for Emergency Assistance.

Building on Existing Programs Will Help Support New Jersey’s Families

Testimony from NJPP Senior Policy Analyst Dr. Brittany Holom-Trundy on the New Jersey Department of Human Services FY 2025 budget.

New Jersey’s Transition to Clean Energy Must Be Equitable

Testimony from NJPP Policy Analyst to the Senate Environment Committee on New Jersey's clean energy future.

Friday Facts and Figures: October 13, 2023

Low-income residents are losing their Medicaid coverage. Commuters rally for NJ Transit funding. Birth control will soon be available over-the-counter.

Friday Facts and Figures: October 6, 2023

Nurses continue to strike for safe staffing ratios. California raises minimum wage for fast food workers. New Jersey approves new harm reduction centers.

Friday Facts and Figures: September 29, 2023

New report details how to fully fund NJ Transit. New Jersey has no heat safety standards for workers. Minimum wage will rise to $15.13 next year.

Getting Back on Track: Fully Fund NJ Transit by Taxing Big Corporations

Maintaining a modest tax on the most profitable corporations can save NJ Transit, fully fund the agency, and prevent catastrophic service cuts and fare hikes.

Friday Facts and Figures: September 15, 2023

New Census data shows that child poverty doubled after the federal Child Tax Credit expired. New Jersey has the highest median household income.

Unlocking Academic Success: Revitalizing New Jersey’s School Funding Formula for Student Achievement

New Jersey's school funding formula has not kept up with new, more rigorous learning standards and outcome goals for students.

The Best Medicine: How the Drug Affordability Council Can Advance Future Drug Pricing Reforms in New Jersey

The new Drug Affordability Council holds potential to transform the lives of patients who have struggled to access life-saving treatments.

All Students Benefit From a Strong and Inclusive Equity Code

Testimony from NJPP President Nicole Rodriguez before the New Jersey Board of Education.

Friday Facts and Figures: August 18

Homelessness is on the rise. New Jersey gets close to universal health coverage for kids. Community solar pilot is now permanent.

Friday Facts and Figures: August 11, 2023

New poll shows strong support for fully funding NJ Transit. Fossil fuel funded groups pollute clean energy debate with misinformation.

Red Flags Amid a Sea of Green: Breaking Down New Jersey’s FY 2024 Budget

Lawmakers missed a historic opportunity to fix New Jersey's finances by prioritizing short-sighted tax cuts in the new state budget.

Friday Facts and Figures: August 4, 2023

New Jersey loses a progressive champion. School board in Bergen County eliminates, then reinstates, mental health services.

Friday Facts and Figures: July 28, 2023

Temp workers win in court. State agencies fail to produce public reports required by law. Proposal would end indentured servitude in prisons.

Friday Facts and Figures: July 21, 2023

NJ Transit's budget deficit could cause a "death spiral" without new funding. Lawmakers announce new lawsuit to stop congestion pricing.

Friday Facts and Figures: July 14, 2023

New data highlights stark racial disparities in State Police traffic stops. Lawmakers receive bad grades on racial justice policies.

Friday Facts and Figures: July 7, 2023

New Jersey's first offshore wind farm gains federal approval. Governor Murphy signs law eliminating public defender fees.
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