
Rutgers Faculty Deserve to be Respected and Fairly Compensated

NJPP stands in solidarity with Rutgers grads and faculty on strike for the fair compensation, job security, and respect they deserve.

Published on Apr 10, 2023 in Economic Justice

Earlier today, more than 9,000 Rutgers University faculty and graduate student workers went on strike across the university’s three campuses. Rutgers faculty have been without a contract for 284 days. In response to the strike, New Jersey Policy Perspective (NJPP) released the following statement.

Nicole Rodriguez, President, NJPP:

“We stand in solidarity with the Rutgers grads and faculty on strike across the state. These workers are the backbone of the university and have dedicated their lives to educating and inspiring the next generation of leaders. They deserve to be recognized, respected, and fairly compensated for their contributions to the university and the state. In New Jersey, there is no place for a higher education model that underpays faculty, reduces tenured positions, and does not guarantee job security.”


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