
Dark Day for Transparency and Accountability as Governor Signs Bill Gutting Public Records Law

New changes to OPRA undermine transparency, accountability, and democracy in New Jersey.

Published on Jun 5, 2024 in Democracy and Media

Earlier today, Governor Murphy signed a bill that would gut New Jersey’s public records law, making it harder for the public to access data, records, and documents that their state and local governments produce. Despite being opposed by nearly all public testimony and 81 percent of the public in polling, this law will now make it easier for governments to deny records requests, impose costs on requestors, and escape accountability for unlawful denials. In response, New Jersey Policy Perspective (NJPP) issues the following statement.

Nicole Rodriguez, President, NJPP:

“This law is bad policy, bad politics, and bad news for anyone who believes that government should work for the people and not for special interests. Public records are how we shine a spotlight on corruption and hold officials accountable when they’re not doing what’s best for their communities. New Jersey just took a big step forward with our first primary election without ‘the line’ on the ballot, and now the state is taking two even bigger steps backward. This is a dark day for transparency, accountability, and democracy in New Jersey.”

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