How Lawmakers Can Deliver True ‘Tuition Equality’

Increasing access to higher education will directly help undocumented students and significantly benefit all of New Jersey.

Published on Mar 26, 2018 in Economic Justice


<i>Update: These bills passed the state Senate on Monday, March 26</i>

Thank you to all the sponsors and supporters of these two bills that fight for true tuition equality for mixed status families.

Have no doubt that if this policy becomes a reality it will be due to the perseverance of undocumented students, along with the leadership of Senator Ruiz, Assemblyman Schaer, and countless advocates intent on making New Jersey a fair and welcoming state.

A high-quality education does not end after high school, and neither should our commitment to New Jersey’s students. Increasing access to higher education will significantly benefit all of New Jersey, and considering the fact that over half of new jobs will soon require at least a bachelor’s degree, these two bills are necessary steps to ensuring the long-term strength and sustainability of our state’s economy.

Today, New Jersey can move closer to achieving true “tuition equality” by voting yes – first on allowing those that qualify for in-state rates under the Tuition Equality Act to also qualify for state financial aid, and second on ending the discrimination against mixed status families, who consist of children who are U.S. citizens and have grown up with undocumented parents.

If New Jersey fails to act, the investments we’ve already made in these students from Kindergarten through high school would be largely wasted, and the situation would only get worse as students will be forced to drop out of school when they can’t afford tuition.

New Jersey’s undocumented students are your neighbors, they attend school with your children, and their families pay taxes just like yours. To continue to shut the door to a brighter future by failing to pass these two bills makes no economic or moral sense. Please do the right thing for our residents, our economy, and our future. Please vote yes.

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