Mark Weber

Mark Weber, Ph.D., is the Special Analyst for Education Policy at the New Jersey Policy Perspective. He is also a full-time public-school teacher in Warren Township (where he won the Governor’s Award for Excellence in Education in 2018), and a lecturer at Rutgers University in public school finance. Weber is the author of numerous academic papers on education policy, as well as many policy briefs published by the National Education Policy Center, the Albert Shanker Institute, the Education Law Center, the New Jersey Education Policy Forum, and others. Weber holds a PhD from Rutgers University in Education Theory, Organization, and Policy.

The Consequences of School Underfunding

Inadequately funded schools have fewer experienced teachers and fewer curricular offerings.

Camden Sheds Black Teachers at a Uniquely High Rate

Charter school growth accounts for changes in teacher race; other cities with large charter sectors have not seen as dramatic a shift.

The “Whitening” of Camden’s Teachers

As charter school enrollments grow, Camden has fewer Black teachers.

School Funding in New Jersey: A Fair Future for All

Evaluating school funding fairness and effectiveness in New Jersey under the School Funding Reform Act (SFRA).

Op-Ed: COVID-19 Highlights Racial Inequities in School Funding

New Jersey’s School Re-openings Are Racially Unequal

New Jersey’s public schools have reopened, and not all students are having the same back-to-school experience.

School Funding in New Jersey: Preparing Now for the 2020-21 School Year

Safely re-opening schools amidst a pandemic is an expensive proposition. Fortunately, New Jersey can afford to make the required investments.

New Jersey’s Shrinking Pool of Teacher Candidates

The dwindling number of teacher candidates creates instability in the teaching profession and threatens the future of public eduaction.

In Brief: New Jersey’s Teacher Workforce, 2019

An in-depth look at New Jersey's teachers: who they are, how they are paid, and how they vary across districts.

In Brief: New Jersey’s School Funding Reform Act at 10 Years

Dr. Bruce D. Baker of Rutgers University analyzes the impact of New Jersey’s School Funding Reform Act (SFRA) over the last decade and recommends policies to improve education outcomes.
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