Gordon MacInnes

Gordon MacInnes served as the President of NJPP from 2012 to 2018, leading the organization’s efforts to advance economic justice and shared prosperity in the Garden State. Having stepped down as NJPP's chief executive at the end of 2018, Gordon remains with the organization as a Senior Distinguished Fellow to continue researching New Jersey's early education system. Gordon’s research interests include: state finances, sound investments in economic assets, education and immigration. Before joining NJPP in April 2012, Gordon had a long track record of success in New Jersey’s worlds of policy, nonprofits, and politics. He has served in both the Assembly and the Senate; led New Jersey Network, the Fund for New Jersey, and Citizens for Better Schools; and served as assistant education commissioner from 2002 to 2007. He was a long-time fellow at The Century Foundation. Gordon, a graduate of Occidental College and of the Woodrow Wilson School of Princeton University, is also a trustee of Occidental College and a former member of the Rutgers Board of Governors.

Lottery/Pensions Deal is a Reckless Budget Gimmick

It's just one more scheme that will dig New Jersey’s already deep hole deeper.

In Opioid Crusade, Christie Aims at Wrong Target

Preserving Medicaid needs to top the governor's agenda - not attacking Horizon.

Six Reasons the Governor’s ‘Fairness Formula’ Must be Rejected

To read a PDF version of this report, click here. Gov. Christie has proposed a radical change to New Jersey’s school aid formula that would dismantle four decades of efforts to target school aid to districts that serve concentrations of children from poor families. Labeled the “Fairness Formula,” [...]

2016 Ballot Questions: Vote ‘No’ on 1, ‘Yes’ on 2

New Jersey’s two ballot measures deserve close attention.

Big Promises, Few Answers on Casino Expansion

Is casino expansion all it’s cracked up to be? The short answer is “absolutely not.”

Transportation/Tax Deal a Failure in Leadership

Dangerous deal-making has trumped protecting New Jersey's future.

The Notorious Nine: How Key Decisions Sent New Jersey’s Financial Health Spiraling Down Over Two Decades

New Jersey’s future as an economic powerhouse with abundant opportunities is in peril.

Short-Term Fix Can End Transportation-Funding Crisis

This solution is by no means ideal. But given the alternatives, it’s the only way forward.

Latest Transportation Funding Plan: Still Reckless & Still Unfair

Like the plans that came before it, this latest proposal has absolutely nothing to do with tax fairness.

Opposing Financial Aid for Undocumented Students is Short-Sighted

Eight states have approved financial aid for these students. Why not New Jersey?