Brittany Holom-Trundy

Dr. Brittany L. Holom-Trundy, Senior Policy Analyst, is a researcher and lecturer whose interests include health care system reform, the differential impact of health policies across socioeconomic groups, and the role of social and cultural factors in the access to and use of health care services, as well as health outcomes. Prior to joining NJPP in May 2020, Brittany taught classes on human security, health care systems, post-Soviet politics, human rights, and development at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and in the Department of Political Science at The College of New Jersey. She also served as an AmeriCorps VISTA member at the Puerto Rican Action Board in New Brunswick and has recently volunteered at one of New Jersey’s COVID-19 testing sites as part of the Medical Reserve Corps. Brittany received her Ph.D. in Politics from Princeton University in 2018, where her dissertation explored healthcare reforms in the former Soviet countries and the impact of decision making at critical junctures on long-term institutional trajectories. She received her Master’s in Politics from Princeton in 2013 and her Bachelor of Arts in Russian Language and Literature and Political Science from the University of Notre Dame in 2011. Email: holom (at)

NJPP Applauds Passage of the Easy Enrollment Health Insurance Program

Proposal would add a checkbox to state income tax returns where uninsured residents can mark that they want to enroll in health insurance.

Four Ways New Jersey Can Improve Health Care Using American Rescue Plan Funds

Effectively targeting American Rescue Plan funds can solidify New Jersey’s path to a quick, strong, and equitable recovery.

What’s Included, and Missing, in Gov. Murphy’s FY 2022 Budget Proposal

New Jersey lawmakers must keep their eyes peeled on the not-so-distant future and find ways to protect new investments long-term.

Gov. Murphy’s FY 2022 Budget Address: 5 Key Takeaways

Highlights from Gov. Murphy's FY 2022 budget address, including one big omission.

Reforming WorkFirst NJ Will Help Reduce Child Poverty

Testimony by NJPP Senior Policy Analyst Brittany Holom-Trundy in support of improving WorkFirst NJ to better tackle poverty in New Jersey.

State of the State 2021: Rapid Reaction

Live from the NJPP Zoom room, Sheila, Vineeta, Brittany, Marleina, and Lou react to Governor Murphy's State of the State address (with gifs!).

No Need to Rush Horizon Restructuring

Testimony by NJPP Senior Policy Analyst Brittany Holom-Trundy urging lawmakers to slow down the proposal to restructure Horizon.

Slow Down: Horizon’s Restructuring Plan Raises Red Flags

Big details lacking in proposal to restructure New Jersey's largest health insurer.

GetCoveredNJ: How New Jersey’s State-Based Exchange Will Make Health Coverage More Affordable

The state-based exchange will help to increase access to, and affordability of, health coverage.

Unprecedented and Unequal: Racial Inequities in the COVID-19 Pandemic

No matter how you measure it, Black and Latinx residents have been disproportionately harmed by the COVID-19 pandemic.