
New Jersey Leads Nation in Young Adults Living at Home

“It’s a combination of a stuck economy, high cost of living and low wages."

Published on Sep 19, 2016 in Economic Justice

One of many distressing statistics from last week’s release of new U.S. Census Bureau figures: Almost half — 47 percent — of New Jerseyans aged 18 to 34 years old live with their parents – the highest share of any state in the nation.

“It’s all a byproduct of the fact that our economy has not recovered from the great recession at the same pace that the nation’s has,” NJPP Vice President Jon Whiten told NJTV News in a segment on this trend.

“It’s a combination of a stuck economy, high cost of living and low wages – and add on to that a lack of affordable housing and increasing student debt and you’ve really got a perfect storm,” he added.

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