
Closing Corporate Tax Loophole Would Make New Jersey a Fairer Place to Do Business

“Our research clearly shows that most of New Jersey’s largest employers already operate in combined-reporting states and in some cases, have been doing so for decades."

Published on Feb 3, 2016

Last week, Senators Lesniak, Sarlo and Greenstein and Assemblyman Holley joined New Jersey Policy Perspective, the New Jersey Main Street Alliance, New Jersey Working Families and New Jersey Citizen Action to kick off a renewed push to close corporate loopholes in the state by enacting what’s known as “combined reporting” – and NJTV was there to cover it.

Making this common-sense change would level the playing field for New Jersey’s small, locally owned businesses while providing additional resources needed to grow a strong state economy. And, as our senior policy analyst Sheila Reynertson notes, it would hardly be noticeable for most large multistate employers in New Jersey.

“Our research clearly shows that most of New Jersey’s largest employers already operate in combined-reporting states and in some cases, have been doing so for decades,” she says.

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